Monday, September 7, 2009

Movie - Potlatch (2001)

We've seen Potlatch movie

Movie Premier in 2001.


Color Info: Color
Countries: Switzerland
Genres: Drama
Languages: French
Locations: Geneva, Canton Geneva, Switzerland
Runtimes: 95
Release Dates: Switzerland:21 October 2001

In movie played:

Antonio Buíl (actor)

Felipe Castro (actor)
Spouse: 'Paola Volpato' (qv) (? - present); 1 child

Julien George (actor)
Where Now: (1993) Geneva

Armen Godel (actor)

Olivier Lafrance (actor)

David Marchetto (actor)

Steven Margueron (actor)

Valentin Rossier (actor)

Yanneck Sidlow (actor)

Miami Themo (actor)

Julien Tsongas (actor)

Matteo Zimmermann (actor)

Nicole Bachmann (actress)

Angélique Bergerat (actress)

Fanny Brunet (actress)

Anne-Shlomit Deonna (actress)
2001: Named as one of European films' Shooting Stars by European Film Promotion.

Hélène Hudovernik (actress)

Alexandra Thys (actress)

Barbara Tobola (actress)

Antonella Vitali (actress)

Elodie Weber (actress)

Lucie Zelger (actress)

Philippe Berthet (producer)

Gérard Cavat (producer)

Pierre Maillard (producer)

Claude Stratz (producer)
Death Notes: Paris, France (heart attack)
Birth Notes: Zürich, Switzerland
Death Date: 4 April 2007
Since 2001, he's the dean of the prestigious CNSAD, le Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique (National Conservatory of Dramatic Art, in Paris).
Birth Date: 7 May 1946

Jean-Marc Froehle (writer)

Pierre Maillard (writer)

Cyril Kerr (cinematographer)

Aldo Mugnier (cinematographer)

Arthur Besson (composer)

Nathalie Tanner (costume designer)

Pierre Maillard (director)

Rudolfo Wedeles (editor)

Isabelle Dégallier (miscellaneous crew)

Maud Joliat (miscellaneous crew)

Sabine Rosset (miscellaneous crew)


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